Our Process

Taking the time to get the job done right

It takes time to ensure that the website or application that we deliver to you meets the needs and requirements of your organization. We sit down with you and your team to carefully develop a plan and timeline to ensure that you get the solution you need, when you need it.


Step 1: Needs Assessment

We start by discussing who you are and what you are attempting to accomplish. What are your goals? What are your expectations? And, ultimately, what can we do to help you achieve them?

Step 2: Concept

With needs assessment complete, we begin to formulate a plan. This may include the development of a high-level navigation strategy, the conceptualization of specialized tools and widgets for your new site, or workflow for a fully custom web application.

Step 3: Design

Appean works with you to create a look and feel for your new site or web application that conveys an image that remains true to your unique identity.

Step 4: Development

This includes setup and configuration of the online content management system, configuration of any ancillary onsite or offsite hardware that may be required, development of any specific tools or widgets that will be implemented for your site, and the development of the site’s interface based on your custom design. During the development phase, we also implement any custom modifications to the CMS system that you may require.

Step 5: Content Development / Conversion

Concurrent with the Development Phase, our content development team goes to work. Depending on your needs, this process may be as simple as converting content from an existing site, to developing all new content (articles, blog entries, videos, etc.) in concert with your communications team.

Step 6: Training

It is important that your organization’s staff is comfortable with the product and the array of tools at their disposal to manage and maintain it. Prior to launch, we provide training (onsite or otherwise) and support to your staff to ensure that they are comfortable at launch.

Step 7: Launch

With training and quality assurance complete, we move your new site from our beta server over to your production server, whether that be onsite or via a dedicated host of your choosing.

Ongoing Support

We recognize that your web project is ongoing. We provide ongoing support from simple question and answer sessions to content creation and supplementary development.