A Comprehensive Teacher Compensation and District Budget Analysis Tool

CompTracker is a web-based turnkey solution designed to provide education research and bargaining professionals with the best tools for collecting, managing, and analyzing teacher compensation and district budget data. With CompTracker, annual salary and budget audit data can be collected directly online saving time and money. Current year and archival data is available via a simple to use interface. Built in analytics tools give users the ability to quickly analyze data. And, when simple analytics are not enough, a variety of standardized reports are available for export to your favorite spreadsheet program. All of this on demand from the web via your favorite tablet, Mac or PC at the click of a button. Collect, manage, and analyze your research data with CompTracker.


Take a Video Tour

General Benefits

Run from Anywhere

Web-based system that is platform agnostic. Users can access data, run reports, or conduct ad-hoc analysis from their workstation, laptop, or tablet running any major operating system without the need for installing any software.

High Quality Data

Access to years of compensation & benefits data for districts all across the state. Information is stored centrally and in real time. You get it when we get it.

Built In Reporting and Analytics Tools

Run a variety of district comparisons and what-if scenarios with built in analytics tools. Or, for more advanced analysis, standardized Excel reports can be generated at the click of a button.

Web-Based Collection Tools

CompTracker makes entering teacher compensation a cinch. Information is entered by staff or directly by assigned district users. The built in survey tools ensure that information is entered correctly and completely. Furthermore, CompTracker pulls information for new contract years directly from the previous year, eliminating the need to re-enter data that does not change from year to year.

Routine Updates

System patches are applied automatically. You will always be on the latest edition of CompTracker. See our CompTracker Updates page for information on our latest work.

Analytics Tools

Perform detailed cost analysis, run side-by-side comparisons, and conduct what-if scenarios as part of our analysis module.

  • Cost Analysis Tool
  • Salary Lane Comparables
  • Dental Plan Comparables
  • Medical Plan Comparables
  • Schedule Analysis
  • More...

Reporting Tools

Run a variety of reports against the database.

  • Co-Pay and Prescription Cost Reports
  • Premium Reports
  • Teacher Salary Schedule Reports
  • Extra Curricular Duty Reports
  • ESP Compensation Reports
  • Trending Data Reports
  • More...

More Information

For more information about CompTracker please contact us at comptrackerinfo@appeangroup.com. We would be more than happy to provide you with additional materials or set up a tour of what CompTracker can do for you. You can also take the extended video tour at http://www.appeangroup.com/products/ctextendedtour.aspx.