A Comprehensive Teacher Compensation and District Budget Analysis Tool

Update 2.4: Integrated Document Storage and Search Support

CompTracker 2.4 continues our effort to provide a comprehensive and centralized resource for bargaining and research professionals in the education industry. Integrating seamlessly with CompTracker's existing tools, Update 2.4 now allows all research materials to be saved side-by-side CompTracker's teacher compensation and district budget auditing tools in one central and web accessible location. Uploaded documents are fully indexed, categorized, and labeled. A new search engine allows users to search for specific language in any document contained within the database. And, returned results are organized by relevance to the search criteria and can be filtered by category, district, or contract year.


  • New search engine allowing users to search for specific language in all documents with options to filter results by document category, contract year, and district.
  • Flexible document categories and labels.
  • Large storage capacity.
  • Support for Microsoft Word, Excel, and PDF.
  • Seamless integration with existing compensation and budget data.

We invite you to take a look at the new Document Storage and Search feature in the video below. You can also visit the CompTracker Product page for a video tour of the entire system.

Take a Closer Look

More Information

For more information about CompTracker please visit our CompTracker Product page. Or, contact us at comptrackerinfo@appeangroup.com. We would be more than happy to provide you with additional materials or set up a tour of what CompTracker can do for you.